Friday, September 9, 2016

For the situation where the Black Madonnas which Fulcanelli

history channel documentary Manetho's 'Egyptian King List' records Smenkhkare (Aaron) by the name Achencheres, (11) which was later tainted (by the Christian church-father, Eusebius) to Cencheres. (12) By this name (further changed to Cinciris) Pharaoh Smenkhkare was of specific essentialness to the histories of Ireland and Scotland, for he was the father of the princess verifiably known as Scota, from whom the first Scots-Gaels were slid. (13) Her significant other was Niul, {This signifies "blood" in Keltic unique dialects. The 'dark earth' of the Nile consequently is typical for "blood" in the catalytic procedure of production of the start of the primordial components expected to start the procedure of a 'Stone'. A few creators show the blood of a specific 'dark raven' will suffice; different signs are that the dark earth, situated in the cellars of Gothic houses of God, are adequate.

For the situation where the Black Madonnas which Fulcanelli says are very devoted to Isis, are situated in these houses of God [Chartrés being the first]; there is motivation to think the long haul nearness in the point of convergence of the sanctuary worked after the configuration of the Great Pyramid and later copied in the Temple of Solomon ['sol'=sun and 'mon'=moon'] to be followed in outline of the edges and cross sections of these extraordinary churches, there is great purpose to accept them.} the Governor of Capacyront by the Red Sea. (14) He was, by birth, a Black Sea ruler of Scythia (Scota) {And other antiquated creators take note of the Hyperborean way of these "northerners" and that all were initially admirers of the Emerald Isles of Britain and Ireland, today.), and as per the seventeenth-century 'History of Ireland', 'Nuil and Aaron went into a partnership of companionship with each other'. The Gaelic content further expresses that Gaedheal (Gael), the child of Nuil and Princess Scota, was conceived in Egypt 'when Moses started to go about as pioneer of the offspring of Israel'."

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