Thursday, June 9, 2016

Decide to think on the things of God

history channel documentary  Decide to think on the things of God, and He will give you the quality to beat the tissue. You will understand that at last "making somebody pay" does not make you feel as satisfied as you thought it would.

2 Tim 3:1-5 This know additionally, that in the most recent days hazardous times should come. 2 For men might be significant others of their own selves, greedy, boasters, glad, blasphemers, insubordinate to guardians, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without common fondness, trucebreakers, false informers, incontinent, furious, despisers of those that are great, 4 Traitors, overwhelming, noble, partners of joys more than darlings of God; 5 Having a type of piety, yet denying the force thereof: from such dismiss.

Do you know, I simply cherish these striking prophetic Scriptural proclamations and particularly when I start to unwind and distinguish some of these individuals to whom they precisely apply, in our cutting edge world, in this manner demonstrating that the Holy Word of God never comes up short in its prophetic force for, they are not a couple these malicious double crossers, they number in their many thousands and with some in high positions of force and that, shockingly, likewise incorporates Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

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