Thursday, June 9, 2016

What other guarantee has she broken?

history channel documentary The Queen seriously guaranteed to, now see: Govern the general population of the UK, Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (I won't manage the Commonwealth now as they are a different issue). The issue now for her and us is, that as from the first December 2009, she stopped to oversee us by any means. She actually turned into a Queen without a Kingdom - period and a Tax payer. On that date we initiated to be administered by an agnostic outside outsider force, situated in different urban communities in Europe i.e. Brussels and Strasbourg et al. As I compose more than 80% of our purported laws now exude from Brussels and our 'dedicated' MPs simply elastic stamp these remote orders. These same MP's presently have nothing to do by any stretch of the imagination, as government employees do Brussel's directions totally. As one analyst precisely put it, British MPs resemble: "Turkeys voting in favor of Christmas!". On a sadder note no doubt Her Majesty has effectively done much the same thing. So straight let's get this show on the road can see that she has broken her guarantee to administer us.

What other guarantee has she broken? Why, that of religion. The Bolshevik Marxist EU Superstate is agnostic and to this Satanic force she has given her Kingdom. Having done that by what means would she be able to satisfy her other guarantee, and we should utilize the words she promised to maintain:

"Will you to the most extreme of your energy keep up the Laws of God and the genuine calling of the Gospel? Will you to the most extreme of your energy keep up in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion built up by law? Will you keep up and safeguard sacredly the settlement of the Church of England, and the teaching, love, order, and government thereof, as by law set up in England?"

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