Thursday, June 9, 2016

Presently as a previous British subject and one who is no more a British

history channel documentary Presently as a previous British subject and one who is no more a British or English native, I am completely mindful of the reality of my remarks, however The Truth should dependably be talked, please or affront, and win. Slippery dealings should dependably be uncovered and brought out into the Light of The Truth - Yashua Anointed (The Lord Jesus Christ). I will along these lines work out The Coronation Oath which Her Majesty would have articulated out loud at Her Coronation over sixty years prior.

I will now work through The Oath to uncover some of those things that our Queen has done, whether intentionally or unconsciously, as to breaking the guarantees she set aside a few minutes of her Holy Coronation. If you don't mind take note of, that I have called it Holy since this is particularly a Godly Anointing and it makes the Queen responsible just to God. To get a comprehension of this we have to peruse the narrative of David's encounters on account's of King Saul. Indeed, even as insidious and underhanded as King Saul seemed to be, David never laid a finger upon him despite the fact that he justified it. This was a lesson to every one of us to show us that despite the fact that wrong, Monarchs are still God's blessed and it is never inside our transmit or energy to take a Monarch's life or do them physical damage, for by doing as such we are going about as God or usurping God's power specifically. This, essentially, is the thing that Oliver Cromwell did in 1649 when he (planned) permitted King Charles I to be executed, however I won't go down that way in subtle element right now in time - maybe something for another article.

So returning to the string, what I will include at this point is the way that the Queen's clergymen of government have done everything intentionally and their foul play is conspicuous, audacious and evil in its stealthy application - a procedure referred to in conspiratorial circles as 'Gradualism'. Bit by bit, one piece at once they have bitten away at our Constitution and at our opportunities to achieve their abominable fantastic design(s) of The EU Superstate as a piece of their One World Government. This superstate and government is to be a Bolshevik Marxist totalitarian administration with complete loss of sway, opportunity and autonomy of the free country states included. It will likewise mean the loss of the right to speak freely and the loss of the privilege to express ones religious convictions, for, this new Bolshevik Marxist State will be skeptical, much the same as verminous Soviet Russia before it.

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